HOROSCOPE READING: I will need your date of birth, place of birth and exact time of birth (as close as possible). This is a complete professional dilineation of the birth chart (which takes 8 hours or more to do properly). Included in the price is a complete personalized report written by me, a copy of your birth chart and a Solar Return report (predictive) for the next birth year in your life.
COST: $150* With Report $100* Reading - No Report
* * * Please be aware that the free birth charts and computer generated reports offered online are vague, contradictory, misleading and not accurate. Having a personalized interpretation and report will be very accurate and enlightening. Your talents and challenges are identified and an Astrologer can tell you things like what kind(s) of career would be most fulfilling, a description of your ideal partner etc, as well as obstacles and opportunities that will come your way down the road. Everyone should have their personal Horoscope done. You will be amazed by the accuracy of the information given and have a better understanding of yourself. Everyone should know their assets and liabilities. * * *
ONE HOUR READING $ 60.00 * * Prices in USD
EMAIL: PHONE: 647-280-2442